Saturday, May 12, 2012

Singly linked list implementation in java

I used generics here to write this.

public class Node {
   private E data = null;
   private Node nextNode = null;

   public Node(E data){ = data;
     this.nextNode = null;

   public Node(){   

   public E getData() {
       return data;

   public void setData(E data) { = data;

   public Node getNextNode() {
       return nextNode;

   public void setNextNode(Node nextNode) {
        this.nextNode = nextNode;

public class SinglyLinkedList {
     private Node headNode = null;
     private Node tailNode = null;
     private int nodeCount = 0;    

     public void addFirst(E data){  // add to the head
       Node newNode = new Node(data);      

       if(headNode == null && tailNode == null){ // if list is empty, newNode is both the head and tail
           headNode = tailNode = newNode;                        

       else{  // make newly added node as head node
           headNode = newNode;                             



     public void addLast(E data){ // add to the tail
       Node newNode = new Node(data);

       if(headNode == null && tailNode == null){ // if list is empty, newNode is both the head and tail
          headNode = tailNode = newNode;                        

       else{ // make newly added node as tail node
          tailNode = newNode;                 

     public boolean delete(E data){
       Node curNode = headNode;
       Node prevNode = headNode;

       while(curNode != null){
             if(curNode.getData().equals(data)){   //find the node which has the data
                  if(nodeCount == 1){ // if there is only node in the list, and that one node contains the data to be deleted
                     headNode = tailNode = null; // now both head and tail points nowhere                             
                  else if(curNode == headNode){
                     headNode = headNode.getNextNode(); // move the head node to next node             
                     curNode.setNextNode(null); // set the next node of the previous head node (cur node) to null null                                      

                  else if(curNode == tailNode){
                    tailNode = prevNode;       // make the tail node as previous node
                    tailNode.setNextNode(null); //set the next node of tail node as null, as this is the tail node
                    prevNode.setNextNode(curNode.getNextNode());  // make the prev node point to next node of cur node
                    curNode.setNextNode(null); // make cur node not point to next node                             
                  return true;  //return true to say that data is found and is deleted 

             prevNode = curNode;
             curNode = curNode.getNextNode();
       return false;  // //return false to say that data is not found and is not deleted

     public void displayLinkedList(){
       Node node = headNode;
       System.out.println("Node Count: " + nodeCount);     

       if(headNode != null){
             System.out.println("Head Node: " + headNode.getData());
             System.out.println("Tail Node: " + tailNode.getData());

       while(node != null){
             node = node.getNextNode();

public class TestLinkedList {
   public static void main(String [] args){
      SinglyLinkedList list = new SinglyLinkedList();




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